13 Oct
Published in Shareholders News

Current Report - Transactions related parties art.108 Law 24/2017 - 13 Oct 2021

Significant events to be reported: Transactions with related parties according to Art. 108 of Law no. 24/2017 concluded between VRANCART (VNC) and its subsidiary ROM PAPER.
VRANCART informs its shareholders and investors about the conclusion, on October 12th, 2021, of a transaction between VRANCART and its subsidiary ROM PAPER, whose value, cumulated with the rest of the transactions concluded/performed between January 1st 2021 – October 12th 2021, exceeds the threshold of 5% of the net assets of VRANCART, according to the individual financial statements for 2020.

Details regarding the transaction concluded on October 12th, 2021, which led to exceeding the aforementioned threshold, containing information on the closing date, nature of the transaction, description of its object, transaction value, expiration date, receivables and mutual debts, guarantees, penalties stipulated, the terms and methods of payment are presented in Annex 1.

Download: Current Report - Transactions related parties art.108 Law 24/2017 - 02 Sep 2021


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