13 Feb
Published in Public information


VRANCART RECYCLING SRL, having its headquarters in Adjud, Ecaterina Teodoroiu street, no. 17, Vrancea county, applies to A.P.M. Vrancea for revision of the environmental permit no. 69 of 16.05.2022, issued for the objective "Center for collection and recycling of wooden packaging waste (pallets)", located in Adjud, Ecaterina Teodoroiu street, no. 17, Vrancea county, according to the Order M.M.D.D. no. 1798/2007 with subsequent amendments and additions and OUG no. 195/2005 on environmental protection, approved by Law no. 265/2006, art. 15.

Any proposals and suggestions/observations of the public, regarding the mentioned activity, will be presented in writing, under signature and with identification data, from Monday to Thursday, between 8-16  and Friday between 8-14, at the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency  Vrancea, from Focșani, Dinicu Golescu street, no. 2, telephone 0237.216812, where the submitted technical documentation can also be consulted.


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