08 Apr
Published in Public information


VRANCART RECYCLING SRL announces to the interested public about the decision to issue the environmental agreement for the project: "Installation of a central production of electricity and thermal energy through cogeneration, respectively a combustion boiler and the construction of a transformation station", proposed to be located in Adjud, 17 Ecaterina Teodoroiu street, T66, P436, P436/1, P436/2, Vrancea county.
              The draft of environmental agreement and the relevant information for decision-making can be consulted at the APM Vrancea headquarters, Dinicu Golescu street, no. 2, Vrancea county and at the headquarters in Adjud, 17 Ecaterina Teodoroiu street, on Mondays - Thursdays, between 8:00 -16:30 and on Fridays between 8:00- 14:00, as well as at the following internet address htpp://apmvn.anpm.ro.
           Public comments/contestations are received at the headquarters of the Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency, in Focsani, 2 Dinicu Golescu street, Vrancea county, within 10 days from the date of publication of the announcement on the website of the competent authority for environmental protection.


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