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Date: Friday, April 3, 2023


VRANCART S.A., based in Mun. Adjud, str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu nr. 17, jud. Vrancea, is running, starting with 10.08.2022, the implementation of the project "Create greener and sustainable production premises based on innovative solar power", supported by the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Energy Programme in Romania, based on the Financing Contract number 2021/321136, concluded with Innovation Norway as operator of the program.

The total value of the project is 956.750 EUR, of which the non-reimbursable financial assistance is 478.375 EUR. Vrancea for a duration of 13 months. The implementation of the project will contribute to increasing the competitiveness on the market of the company and the overall optimization of the business model.

All project activities have been carried out so far at the terms and conditions specified in the financing contract. The awarding of contracts for the procurements provided for in the project was completed and the activities related to the installation of the photovoltaic system were started.

Further details can be obtained from: Mr. Adrian Nechita, Project Manager, phone: 0754 020 498, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Project supported by the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Energy Programme in Romania.
 IN  logo innovation norway 0


Date: September 29th 2022


VRANCART S.A., with its registered office in Mun. Adjud, Str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu nr. 17, Vrancea County, carries out, starting with 10.08.2022, the implementation of the Project "Create greener and sustainable production premises based on innovative solar power", financed with the support of the Norwegian grants financial mechanism 2014-2021, within the "Romanian Energy Program", based on the Financing Contract no. 2021/321136, concluded with Innovation Norway as operator of the program.

The total value of the Project is 956.750 EUR, of which the non-reimbursable financial assistance is 478.375 EUR. The project is implemented in Mun. Adjud, Vrancea County, for a period of 13 months.  The implementation of the Project will contribute to increasing the competitiveness on the market of the company and the overall optimization of the business model.

A.P.M. Vrancea, VRANCART SA cu sediul în Adjud, str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu nr. 17, jud. Vrancea, anunță publicul interesat asupra deciziei Agenției pentru Protecția Mediului Vrancea de încadrare pentru „ PUZ – Construire parc fotovoltaic cu centrala electrică, clădire post transformare, drum de acces, cabina pază, parcare și utilități ” cu amplasamentul in extravilanul Municipiului Adjud, T125/2, P662, 662/1, 662/2, 662/3, 662/4, 662/5, 662/6, CF 58757, jud. Vrancea, titular VRANCART SA în procedura de adoptare fără evaluare de mediu.

Observațiile publicului se vor primi în scris, sub semnătura și cu date de identificare la sediul A.P.M. Vrancea, de luni până joi, între orele 8.00-16.30 și vineri între orele 8.00-14.00, în termen de 10 zile calendaristice de la data publicării anunțului.

Conducerea VRANCART S.A.

VRANCART inform the interested parties about the publication of the Simplified Prospectus for the offer related to the share capital increase operation of the Company, approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority by Decision no. 1457 dated 17.11.2021. The documentation can be consulted here.
Major events to report:
The company VRANCART informs that the interest rate of the convertible bonds for the 20th coupon for the period between October, 25th 2021 – January, 24th 2022 calculated according to the Issuance prospectus approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority through the Decision no. 156 from February, 1st 2017 is 4.30 %.
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